With the participation in several weeks of mediation training and organising preparations, I was fortunate to be one of the committee chairs co-hosting in the SRE-Youth Model ASEAN Conference 2018.
From left, top row: Shi Xiang, Gwen, Pei Shi, Zhiao Wei, Eu Jin, Jin Yan
From left, bottom row: Myat, Charis, Lynn, Chloe
Through SRE-YMAC, I was able to understand the ways and struggles of mediation and negotiation of national issues in a regional and global level, as well as the satisfaction of reaching common grounds through 4 gruelling days of intense debates.
As the committee chair, I observed the ways and behaviours of my delegates in their problem solving and debating skills, when they're given a tough decision to make. It has truly made me realise the importance of several intrinsic qualities that delegates need to possess in order to garner the trust, respect and votes of the general committee.
Of course, I was truly inspired by the speeches and efforts of my fellow delegates, and there's so much to learn from them and my committee chair partners too. Their determination and drive in solving world issues are inspiring, so are the teamwork and impeccable friendships forged along the way.