In our 21sq, the different electrical components are laid on top of one another by the sides and edges. Mostly, the larger objects at the foreground obstructs the smaller objects in the background, while there are also some elements that are partially covered by the other at the background.
The larger objects in the foreground are arranged in a particular fashion such that it gives a swirling effect that seemingly guides the eye to the smaller objects in the background.
Simplicity & Complexity:
The objects in the foreground are mostly in basic geometries, while the objects in the background generally have odd shapes. This can be seen from the example that the objects in the foreground have regular shapes and little details, thus implicating simplicity. In stark contrast, the objects in the background are contrasting in its intricate details that suggest complexity.
With regards to our 21sq, the elements are inserted into each other forcefully. For example, the circular ring and the rectangular components are fit into the square frame by force, In addition, the rubber strup is also injected into the disk through the hole.
May 2017
April 2017




Part 1: Decoding the Fibonacci Cryptex
Part 2: Process + Final Cryptex
Main Design Drivers:
Supporting Design Drivers:
Alignment to Design Driver:
The model reflects all the design drivers that I've observed. The components in the model are overlapped on top of each other, forming a layered pattern. Some elements in my design uses the action of flow to create smoothness, such as the overlapping cardboards, elevated at different angles. There is a contrast between the types of shapes used in the model; basic and complex shapes. These basic shapes are inserted in my design interacting with complex shapes such as pentagons, parallelograms, trapeziums and quadrilaterals, which goes along with the design driver of simplicity and complexity.
Form expression:
The overlapping cardboards that are elevated at different angles caught my attention most. The smoothness it created contradicts with the rigidness of the overall structure.
Structural stability:
Many interlocking methods were used to strengthen the structure of the model. For example, cardboards and foam boards applied the dovetail joint method to be able to intersect with each other. Large volumes are used together with satay sticks to fix the joining elements in place.
The idea of a base still needs to be removed. Therefore, the heavy volumes in my next model will be concentrated in the middle portion of the entire structure.
Part 3: Justification of Cyptex
Bearing in mind with the key design drivers of overlapping and layering since the very first model, it has sstruck me to think whether these drivers can be used in conjunction with the others harmoniously. These include: Continuity and solids and voids.
The idea of purposely stacking elements directly on top or slightly elevated can be seen quite ubiquitously in the model. By having objects levelled on top of each other, this creates empty spaces between the two elements. By controlling the spaces in between, I was able to concentrate the volumes and planes (solids) at the sides, while the sticks will pass through from the middle. This effect of solids and voids is further enhanced as the surrounding solids are connected in a continuous motion that will guide the eye to the centre voids.