Building type: Hybrid of residence and contemporary art museum.
Location : Melbourne (219 Cotham Rd, Kew VIC 3101, Australia)
Context : Urban
Annual Mean Temperature: 21°C (Hottest), 10°C (Coldest)
Seasonal Mean Temperature:
Spring: September to November - 9.6 - 19.6°C (14.6°C)
Summer: December to February - 14 - 25.3°C (19.7°C)
Autumn: March to May - 10.9 – 20.3°C (15.6°C)
Winter: June to August - 6.5 - 14.2°C (10.4°C)
Architect : Lyons Architect (Corbett Lyon)
Area : 1350 m2
Project Year : 2009
User Analysis:
1. Corbett Lyon: Enjoys appreciating artwork; needs spaces that introduces solemnity and peace. Requires walls large enough to install art collections.
2. Yueji Lyon: Computer analyst and programmer; needs a lot of concentration to do her work. Requires quiet spaces.
3. Daughters: Active and love to play; needs to have a play space in which the kids could play in. Playrooms conveniently placed near bedrooms for easy access.
4. Students and scholars: needs to house some study areas/libraries where they could find books and materials to help them in their study or research.
5. General public: House tours would help to fulfil their needs to understand the house in greater detail. Some may also come just to appreciate the artworks like in a museum.
October 2017
October 2017

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