Architecture flows in me
Where Passion Meets Design
Seize the Day
Seize the Night
Seize Life
Carpe Diem,
Carpe Noctem,
Carpe Vitam.

As part of my Primer 2 Project, students are required to design a memorial that will stand on the grounds of the Former Ford Factory, where the Surrender March was taken during the British Surrender.
The function of the memorial is to allow visitors to experience the emotions the war victims have felt during the Japanese occupation of Singapore from 15th February 1942 till the Japanese Surrender on 12th September 1945.
During my Secondary School years, as part of my Secondary 3 Science Project, students are tasked to design a green school using our scientific knowledge and insights during the site visits.
We are encouraged to implement active and passive green designs in our scheme in light of the increasing awareness in eco-friendly building design.
Senoko Sustainability Challenge

As part of the Vertical Studios Elective Module, students are given the opportunity to work with KK Women's & Children's Hospital to redesign the foyer of the hospital.
After analysing the foyers with close scrutiny during the site visit, we also interviewed the daily users there. My group was able to resolve some of the issues that were surfaced during the brainstorming session.

12 / 02 / 2019
Year Two Project:
Future Housing for Future
Silver Generation Concludes
18 / 02 / 2019
Singapore Polytechnic's
School of Architecture and
the Built Environment
Annual End of Year Show
@ Urban Redevelopment Authority
20 / 02 / 2019
Monthly Photography:
"Hello, Spring!"
Welcome the new lunar year with these sights captured from the sunny island - Singapore!
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